
Dr Michael Keane is a Medical Doctor, Behavioural Neuroscientist, Psychologist, Entrepreneur, Academic, and Neurotechnology expert. He is a former University Lecturer, founder/co-founder of five start-ups and three university brain technology laboratories for investigating brain function. Widely published, and a reviewer for several academic journals, he is also the Neuroscientific Lead on the Mental Health Advisory Panel of A Lust For Life, a multi award-winning mental health charity. He has pioneered the latest advances in 3D functional brain imaging and brain optimisation technologies to image thousands of brains, allowing people to see inside their own brains and get real insights into who they are and how they work. Michael’s 1000s of hours of linking brain function to behaviour, in sports professionals, musicians, surgeons, and clinical populations make him an authority in the area of neuroscience.  

Michael works as advisor and coach to a wide portfolio of global corporate organisations, provincial and international athletes, pilots, surgeons, musicians and leadership teams. Using Neuroscience education, brain imaging and interactive brain technologies, Michael works with these professionals to foster a deeper understanding of the mechanics, capabilities and potential of the human brain.

He is also the Neuroscience Consultant and a regular contributor to the chart-topping ‘Where is My Mind’ – a podcast about how we can navigate this manic, always-on world we live in, created and

hosted by Niall ‘Bressie’ Breslin.

A prominent public speaker on wellbeing, leadership, stress and peak performance in Europe, the US

and Asia, Michael combines an acclaimed academic track record with humour and an engaging,

authentic style to make Neuroscience accessible and compelling to global audiences.

The essence of Michael’s work is anchored in the premise that we have an ‘old brain for a new

world’. Whilst our brain has evolved over millions of years into a finely-tuned supercomputer, it is

not built to deal with the demands of modern society. For so many, this is now manifesting in prolific

overwhelm, stress and anxiety. Bringing deep insight into how brain mechanisms can be exploited to

equip people to live, work and relate more effectively, Michael is emerging as a thought leader in

how we can use Neuroscience to empower resilience and wellbeing.